Spring has sort of arrived in the great Pacific Northwest. If you consider a few weeks of windy 40 - 50 degree temps, sprinkled with occasional showers - then yes, spring is here.
I've ramped up my riding a bit, to about 130 road miles a week, plus a weekend mountain bike ride thrown into the mix. I usually bike commute a few days a week, but now forced to at times, due to being a one car family. I always thought we could survive with one car if needed and the past few weeks have proven that true. We're still on the lookout for a used car however, but no rush. I also have someone interested in buying my blown up SE-R, which is better then sending it to the crusher (or me fixing it). The dude who wants it already has one SE-R heavily modified for autocross and track use. Would be cool if he restored mine to full use once again.
To kill the need for a second car even more, I always crank up the riding in May due to the Commuter Challenge. Monday is the kick off and my team at work is ready. Pretty strong team this year (once again) and I think we'll take our company commuting crown. We'll see. It's all for fun, bragging rights, and a ploy to get people bike commuting. A good scene.
I had a few interesting commutes last week, due to a late work schedule - one day unplanned, with my lights left at home. Had to break out the emergency light, little AA battery powered deal that I keep in my messenger bag. Barely enough light to see down sections of the very dark Burke-Gilman Trail. It wound up being kind of a fun 17 mile ride home. Full moon, empty trail, overriding the wimpy beam of light, felt like flying a bit. In a sense I was flying - flying blind. I've been on this trail literally hundreds of times, so not that big of a deal. At least it was memorable.
Month of May also kicks off the local Indie Series mountain bike race series, something Ian and I enjoyed the last two seasons. This usually kicks off in April, however the series has been cut from 8 races to just 4 events. The easier, and closer, races were cut - the races best suited for 10 year old Ian. Kind of a bummer, though we'll probably still hit some of the events this year. Ian has also been tied up in the crazy little league schedule (first year for him), killing much of our free time. He's barely been on his bike this spring. He's still interested however, which is cool, plus he's looking forward to spending more time on his new ride.
MFG Cyclocross, another local race series, has announced their fall 'cross schedule and we're looking forward to that as well. Ian and I hit two of their races last fall and had a blast. Huge fun. We'll be back for sure.
With that, I now conclude this rambling post of dubious info. Ride on. Ride often.
Saw the post for the MFG Cyclocross over at cyclocross Magazine the other day. That will be soming to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteWish I could get your mileage in. I am lucky to get that much in two or three weeks
Yes sir, I remember those days, young family, one car, and commutes to work like you say, can be interesting. Ride safe.
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't for commuting - I'd never get that amount of miles in. If I commute all 5 days, adds up to 170 miles. Add in a mountain bike or family ride on the weekend, can occasionally break 200 for the week. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteThat's rare though, I usually wind up driving to work at least 1 day a week for various reasons - including fried legs.
The MFG 'cross series was cool. We actually have a few 'cross series in the Seattle area and nearby Portland. We hit the MFG series since they're the new kids on the block and the first race of the series is in my backyard - ride over from the house. How cool is that?
I've only raced 'cross twice ever - first time last season - but will race again for sure. Huge fun.