Last race of the Seattle Cyclocross series splashed down last Sunday. Splashed? Yeah, it was a rainy Mud Fest, with all the associated fun and frolicking of racing 'cross in the rain. This event being the final of the seven race series, with son Racer Boy Ian competing in four of 'em. We skipped a few, but combined with the MFG series, we experienced plenty of racing action this fall.
This race held at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington. First time as a race venue for us, though I've been to this site a few times over the years, since it holds the fair and car racing events. I noticed a small supercross style motocross track while driving in for this visit. It sat muddy and quiet, unlike the 'cross action nearby.
Without further ado, some pics and notes from the festivities...
Ian caught mid remount, barriers looming. As you can see, a beautiful fall day for everyone to enjoy. The course was a mixture of mud, wet sand, and wet pavement. Afterwards; a bag of wet, muddy, sandy race kit to lug home.
One of Ian's junior teammates goes for the barriers, in full view of team tent. I didn't get many pics of the junior race, since it was pouring and didn't wanna risk drenching the camera. Call me a wussy.
Ian bares his teeth and sprints for the finish. Handlebar to the right belongs to teammate Emma, racing in the Junior Girls 13-14 class. They've battled it out for two races now. Fun to watch. Girls racers rock. Go Emma!
Finish line straight ahead, both of 'em on the gas. I don't know who hit the line first, Ian doesn't either - it was that close. Emma scored a third place for her class for the day - great job. Ian scored way down in the standings, after getting caught behind a start crash, then crashing and getting tangled with a teammate later in the race. Add in the muddy conditions and I'm still proud of him. I get a huge kick out of watching him race, no matter what the results.
Ian displays post race semi clean bike, courtesy of charity bike wash. Proceeds to benefit a local high school mountain bike team. Awesome. Money well donated.
Scott, one of the Old Guy Ride regulars, enjoying a post race beer; after doing battle in the CAT4 Master Mens 55+ division.

This slightly muddy, slightly steep run up, included at no extra charge. Yes, the junior racers enjoyed this as well. It's this kinda stuff that makes cyclocross oh, so much fun.
Sound not included with this pic. If it was, you'd hear young lad screaming "Go Mom go!", and how cool is that? Pro photographer woman smiles with approval. Since I've spent so many races running around taking pictures, the pro shooters recognize me with a smile and hello. One pro dude has given me some advice. Nice folks. I really dig cycling related photography and working to get better at it.
Faces of 'cross. I take so many pics, hard to decide which to post. Some better then others. A few zillion others not posted.

Next to the 'cross race, some indoor flat track racing taking place. I snuck in for a few shots. Sue me. A whole different crowd and culture, but appeals to my old school roots.
Splat. We have touch down. Was up in second and back in the chase.
JL Velo teammate Cole stands in for official blurry leg shot # 2.
Are we not women? We are DEVO. Fast girls ready to rock.
Overcast, rain, mud, speed 'n' suffering. I guess that be 'cross.
Another Sunday, another race day, another Pile-O-Pics. Despite the weather and tough race, Ian mentioned it was fun and glad he entered. That's what it's all about. The series was well run, with fun courses, fast scoring and results. Great job. This event even sported free hot dogs, bratwurst, and sodas for all. I indulged with a few of each (burp). On top of that, taco pot luck with Ian's team under that shared tent. Nice way to the end the series. We'll be back next year.
Thanks for reading and checking out the pics. Adios for now..
Nice job.