Commute in today was nice - 34 degrees and sunny. Expecting to stay late at work tonight, so left home around 8:00 AM - no lights required. Will need them on the way home for sure.
Took the day off yesterday, since it was my wife's birthday and my son is out of school for the week. We had a great lunch out a small Italian place in Bellevue. Place was slightly fancy, as my son Ian would describe - meaning Lori and Amy enjoyed it.
After lunch, short woods hike to find yet another Geocache - this time in Bothell. We wound up walking on the Burke-Gilman Trail for a bit. I ran into some dude riding his bike, who I've chatted with a few times riding to work. He didn't recognize me in my civilian duds. Ian and I have also watched him race at the Marymoor Velodrome a few times. Nice guy - no idea what his name is.
While riding home on Tuesday - end of my commute includes a decent climb - about 500 foot elevation gain in 2 miles or so. I'm climbing up and hear a commotion up ahead, around the corner and out of site. Kids yelling and a dog barking. A few seconds later another cyclist comes into view - blitzing down the hill, headlight blazing, dog in full pursuit right behind him. Dog is absolutely hauling ass. The fastest dog I've ever seen. A fairly large black mutt looking canine.
They pass me and continue down the hill. I stop and watch - dog continues for a long time - then gives up after a few hundred more yards. I'm thinking this dog is going to turn around and head home - past me. Sure enough, here he comes. I'm still stopped and now off my bike, just in case. While running by, dog slows down a bit and growls at me - but continues up the hill.
By the time I grind my way up the hill, the kids have the dog by the collar and under control. I hope. There's an adult mixed in there also, probably expecting an earful, thinking I was the guy that was chased. I say nothing and continue home.
With any luck, I'll never run into Super Dog while bombing the hill myself - an almost daily event for me.
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