The Tour - as in Tour DAY France (Thanks Bob Roll) - is finally over. After staying up way too many nights past midnight to watch the "expanded coverage", complete with expanded commercials - I can now get some sleep.
With the return of Lance, the Astana super team - complete with Contador and Lance vying for team lead - the Schleck brothers and Cavendish - the fastest sprinter ever, was a great tour to watch. Gotta wonder what Lance held back as to not attack team mate Contador.
In any case, Contador deserved to win - he's incredible. A 3rd place finish for Lance was a great showing, though it seemed weird seeing him on the lower podium.
Next year should be interesting as well, with Lance back again - now with Team RadioShack. I think every team member scores a 8-track player and clock radio. No wonder he jumped ship.
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